About HABA


The HABA group founded in 1966 as a family business in Switzerland, has undergone continuous development and holds several locations in Europe. The HABA Group employs around 200 people in Switzerland and facilities in Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, and Austria. Other countries we support with reliable partners or directly from one of our companies in the near.

HABA is a specialist in the processing of laminated steel and aluminium plates. They operated, starting from its wide semi-finished product warehouse, subcontractor and machine builders within a delivery time of 24 - 48 hours of your order. HABA adds in their markets, thanks to their active market presence, high productivity and streamlined organization, about 7,000 active customers and processed thereby to the 80,000 jobs per year.

All services are based on a high level of materials and production - know-how. Production machinery and equipment are often internal developments that have been engineered and optimized in cooperation with manufacturers on specific customer needs.

HABA AlMg3 becomes HABA HC5754

HABA HC5754 - The naturally hard aluminium cast plate now under a new name!

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Stelleninserat: Technische(r) Kundenberater(in) im Verkauf AD

Du suchst eine neue Herausforderung im Verkauf? Sieh dir unser Stelleninserat als Technischer Kundeberater(in) im Verkauf AD an.

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Neu: Die Eloxalfibel

Der ultimative Eloxalleitfaden – Ihr Ratgeber für perfekte Oberflächenqualität

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